Tuesday, January 24, 2012

An open letter to President Obama about the State of the Union Address

Here is the text of an email I just sent to the White House (from www.whitehouse.gov).

"In anticipation of the State of The Union Address this evening I want to put forth the following-I know your focus will be on the Economy and Jobs. With that in mind, I want to share something that doesn't make sense to me. I drive over 60 miles a day to get to and from work; I frequently have to drive to appointments as well. I have heard several predictions that gasoline prices will rise to over $4.50 this summer and with the saber rattling over the Straits of Hormuz I am not surprised by this. Couple that with the fact that my 1999 SUV with 165K miles takes premium my payments will be much higher. So why did you stop the Keystone pipeline project? This is something that will help OUR country and provide immediate jobs (I believe you have used the term Shovel Ready for several other projects that haven't yet started). I try to conserve and recycle and yes, we DO need to come up with other energy sources. But TODAY we need oil and that won't change. We also need JOBS. Please reconsider for the good of our COUNTRY (not political factions). Thanks for you time, good luck tonight!"

So why did he block the Keystone Pipeline project? For Jobs? NOPE. For the Economy? NOPE. For the safety of our fine Union? NOPE. He did it to appease environmentalists. They believe this pipleline to be a horror show for our country. Yes, there are risks involved and they need oversight to ensure they 'get it right'. We DO need alternative energy sources; I wish I could afford a solar array on my roof so I could thumb my nose at the Energy companies during our hot summer but I can't. We don't have enough wind and the more or less 'clean' nuclear industry (yes, I know it's not perfect) is also blocked by environmentalists. SO what does that leave us? OIL. We need oil NOW and it's time to approve this (Especially before CHINA inks a deal with Canada).

So in the interests of our country, why not approve this? OR are you interested in Elections and Polls? We will soon see. I am not so sure...

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