Thursday, May 19, 2011

A mixed bag: Unemployment "Down" in GA

I suppose any drop is a good thing, but since we're still at 9.9% unemployment, it's tough to get super excited! March numbers reported 10% so a .1% drop is small, but I doubt the 30,100 people who found jobs would complain at all! Most of the jobs were added in hospitality, services, trade, educational and health services and (so it is reported) construction (construction? really?). It's also important to note that we were sitting at 10.1% unemployment a year ago (April) so again, this is a good thing, but the last time it was below 10 was in June of 2009 when unemployment was reportedly 9.8%--and all the while we've been running above the national average. BUT, it's the third consecutive month of gains to "Way to go, Georgia!"

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