Monday, November 23, 2009

Quote of the Week!

While I am not fully 'educated' on whether or not I like or dislike Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner (I definitely hate the fact that big O couldn't find someone who didn't owe back taxes for the post, however) I must admit that I LOVED the following interchange reported by the Wall Street Journal last Friday (from the Joint Economic Committee):

REP. KEVIN BRADY (R-TX) "The public has lost all confidence in your ability to do the job."

TREAS. SEC. GEITHNER: "What I can't take responsibility is for the legacy of crises you've bequeathed this country."


I concur Mr. Geithner, you hit the nail on the head (and nailed Mr. Brady in the process). I guess I'll go harsh this morning: I condemn Congress. I blame Congress. I am unhappy with Congress. For too long we have had these people running our country into the ground. BOTH parties. It's time for this mess to stop. It's time for TERM LIMITS. Elect representatives based on what messages they 'sell' us during elections (e.g. do we agree with their point of view? Then send them to DC for a short time to accomplish that goal and can them if they don't do what they promised). House of Representatives? 3 terms (that's six years). Senate? 2 terms (twelve years). I am unsure how I'd feel about a Representative 'graduating up' to the Senate (giving them a potential 18 year 'reign' on our nickel). I just can't see any other options to get these people to do what we want them to do--so that our "government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."

We are at a true crossroads in our country. I have made my own choices in my life and I have benefited or been 'punished' for them. It is not the role of the government to step in and save me (or further punish me) for my choices. You cannot legislate change; there is no moral obligation (or requirement) for the government to take money from me and give it to someone else. I have my own issues and 'causes' to handle--it's not my job to be someone else's guardian--except for my wife, kids, dogs and family. My choices. Again, read John Galt's speech from Atlas Shrugged and you'll understand (for a highly condensed version, click here).

Lest you think I am a complete selfish monster, I do want to point out that I am a charitable person--however, I give to what I support-not what the government 'thinks' I should support. My 2 cents as always... Happy Monday, eh? : )

(For one important group I support, check out The Rotary Foundation and consider supporting them...)

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