Monday, December 7, 2009

Why the IRS should go away!

I have always noted that I am a fan of the "Fair Tax" as it levels the playing field for ALL Americans--Bill gates would pay the same tax rate on a Ferrari as I would pay for a gallon of milk, not to mention people who hide their income and don't pay their 'fair share' (to coin a Liberal catch-phrase). Spare me the details about the working poor being penalized as you probably haven't read the bill (someone correct me, was it HB 5 or 25 or something??) and don't understand the REBATE they would receive... But I digress. If you are a FAN of the IRS (or even if you aren't), please read this article of the IRS and how they managed to pour salt in the wounds (acid?) of a hard-working American. God Bless this family and I pray that their ordeal is over. Are YOU next?

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